Japanese Highball: A Refreshing Twist on Whiskey

japanese highball

If you’re a whisky lover, you might want to try a Japanese Highball. This refreshing drink has become increasingly popular in Japan and around the world due to its unique flavor and easy-to-make recipe. The Japanese Highball is a simple yet satisfying cocktail that has been enjoyed by people for generations. In this article, we will explore the history of the Japanese Highball, its recipe, and its popularity in Japan and beyond.

History of the Japanese Highball

The Japanese Highball has its roots in the western whiskey highball, which was introduced to Japan in the early 20th century. It was in the 1950s that the Japanese started to experiment with highballs, which led to the creation of the Japanese Highball we know today. In Japan, the drink is often referred to as “hai booru,” which is a shortened version of “highball.” Over time, it has become a staple in Japanese drinking culture, often enjoyed with food or as a pre-dinner drink.

Recipe for the Japanese Highball

The Japanese Highball is a simple cocktail that consists of whisky, soda water, and ice. To make the perfect Japanese Highball, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 oz Japanese whisky
  • 4 oz soda water
  • Ice


  1. Fill a highball glass with ice.
  2. Pour in the Japanese whisky.
  3. Top with soda water.
  4. Stir well.
  5. Garnish with a lemon twist, if desired.

The key to making a great Japanese Highball is to use quality ingredients. Japanese whisky is known for its delicate and smooth taste, which pairs perfectly with soda water. It’s also important to use a highball glass, which is a tall and narrow glass that allows the flavors of the drink to mingle together.

Popularity of the Japanese Highball

The Japanese Highball has become increasingly popular in Japan, with many bars and restaurants offering their own unique twist on the drink. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see highball machines in Japanese bars, which are designed to create the perfect highball every time. The popularity of the drink has also spread across the globe, with many bartenders incorporating the Japanese Highball into their cocktail menus.

One reason for the drink’s popularity is its simplicity. Unlike other cocktails that require multiple ingredients and complex mixing techniques, the Japanese Highball is easy to make and requires only a few ingredients. This makes it an ideal drink for those who want to enjoy a refreshing cocktail without the fuss.

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Another reason for the drink’s popularity is the rise of Japanese whisky. In recent years, Japanese whisky has gained recognition around the world for its unique flavor profile and high quality. This has led to an increased interest in Japanese whisky-based cocktails, with the Japanese Highball being one of the most popular.

Drinking in Japan has a long history that dates back to ancient times. Alcohol has always played an important role in Japanese society, with drinking often seen as a way to socialize and build relationships. In fact, the Japanese even have a word for drinking together – “nomikai” – which literally means “drinking party”.

The Japanese Highball is an important part of this drinking culture. It is often enjoyed in a group setting, with friends or colleagues gathering together to share a drink and some snacks. In Japanese bars and restaurants, the drink is often served with small dishes of food, such as edamame or yakitori, to enhance the drinking experience.

The drink’s simplicity and refreshing taste also make it a popular choice for pre-dinner drinks. In Japan, it is common to enjoy a drink before a meal as a way to whet the appetite and prepare the palate for the flavors to come. The Japanese Highball is a perfect drink for this occasion, as it is light and easy to drink, allowing the drinker to enjoy the flavors of the food without being overwhelmed by a heavy cocktail.

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In addition to its cultural significance in Japan, the Japanese Highball has also gained popularity around the world. Many bartenders and mixologists have started incorporating Japanese whisky into their cocktail menus, with the Japanese Highball being one of the most popular choices. Its simplicity and refreshing taste make it an ideal drink for any occasion, whether it be a casual gathering with friends or a fancy cocktail party.


The Japanese Highball is a refreshing and easy-to-make cocktail that has become increasingly popular in Japan and around the world. Its history dates back to the early 20th century, when western whiskey highballs were introduced to Japan. Over time, the Japanese started to experiment with highballs, leading to the creation of the Japanese Highball we know today.

The key to making a great Japanese Highball is to use quality ingredients and a highball glass. Japanese whisky, in particular, is known for its delicate and smooth taste, which pairs perfectly with soda water. The popularity of the drink can be attributed to its simplicity, refreshing taste, and cultural significance in Japanese drinking culture.

Whether you’re a whisky lover or simply looking for a refreshing cocktail to enjoy with friends, the Japanese Highball is a drink that is sure to please. With its endless variations and cultural significance, the Japanese Highball is a classic cocktail that is here to stay.

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